Asiginigaazo Waagaanan (They gather fiddleheads), Watercolor (Gouache), 15 x 20, 2024, Commission / Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council.
Noojimo Niimi’idiwag (They Heal in Dance), 24 x 33, Gouache on Watercolor board, 2024, Commission / Integrated Art Group
Chibiaboz miinawaa Ogozisan (Chibiaboz and his Son), 15 x 20, Gouache on Watercolor board, 2023, $1,500
Aashkikwe Noonwaaso Nitamoozhann (Original Woman Nurses the First Born), 15 x 20, Gouache on Watercolor Board, 2023, Private Collection
Akiwenzii (The Old Man), 15 x 20, Watercolor (Gouache) on Watercolor Board, 2023, $1,500
Nibaanaabekwe (Sleep Being Woman) (after Takabatake), 15 x 20, Watercolor (Gouache), 2023, $1,500
Aadizooke (She Tells a Sacred Story), 19 x 24, Watercolor (Gouache), 2023, Commission / Art Partners Group
Mitigwaki Waabigwaniin Okogiwag / Woodland Floral Arrangements
11" x 14" / Watercolor Pencil / Price: $300 each
11" x 14" / Watercolor Pencil / Price: $300 each
Aashkikwe miinawaa Nitamoozhaan (New Woman and First Born), 15 x 20, Watercolor (Gouache), 2023, $1,500
Ziibaaska'iganagooday Bwaajigan (Dream Vision of the Jingle Dress), 15 x 20, Watercolor (Gouache), 2023, Private Collection.
Giizhig Ikwe miinawaa Gichi-Mikinaak (Sky Woman and the Great Turtle), 24 x 33, Watercolor (Gouche), 2022, Commission / University of Minnesota / Morris Campus
Ojibweg Mitigwaki Niimid (Ojibwe Woodland Dancers), 24 x 33, Watercolor (Gouache), 2022, NFS.
Ojibwe Mitigwaki Nimiim (Ojibwe Woodland Dancer), 20 x 30, Watercolor (Gouache), 2022, Private Collection.
Vietnam Ogichidaa - Ogichidaa Niimi (Vietnam Warrior - Veteran's Dance), 22 1/2 x 30, Watercolor (Gouache), 2022, Public Collection.
Nibi Gaa-bimaajiwemagak (Water Gives Life), 15 x 20, Watercolor (Gouache), 2022, $1,100
Gwiiwizens Nagamo Misko Magoodass (Boy Singing the Red Dress Song), 15 x 20, Watercolor (Gouache), 2022, $1,000
Bawaajigan Wanashkid (Vision of Tail Feather Woman), 15 x 20, Watercolor (Gouche), 2022, $1000
Miskwaasige Gichigami-Anishinaabe (Red Sun Over Lake Ojibwe), 15 x 20, Watercolor (Gouache), 2022, $1,000
Nenabozho miinawaa Manoomin (Nenabozho and Wild Rice), 15 x 20, Watercolor (Gouache), 2022, Public Collection.
Aadizookewinini (Storyteller), 19 x 27, Watercolor (Gouache), 2020, Private Collection.
Nagamon Bimaadiziwin (Song of Life), 22 x 30, Watercolor (Gouache), 2020, Public Collection.
Ganawenindiwin (Protecting Each Other), 20 x 16, Watercolor (Translucent) / Watercolor Pencil, 2020, Private Collection.
Wiinzh (Say His Name), 20 x 16, Watercolor (Gouache), 2020, Private Collection.
Miigaadiwining Wayekwaadaawangaa (Battle at Sandy), 22 x 30, Watercolor (Gouache), 2020, Private Collection.
Manidoo Ikwe Zaaga'igan (Spirit Woman of the Lake), 18 x 25, Watercolor (Gouache), 2019, Private Collection.
Misko Magoodaas (Red Dress), 13 x 22, Watercolor (Gouache), 2019, $1,200
Ma'iingan Ogichidaa (Wolf Warrior), 24 x 18, Watercolor (Translucent), 2019, Private Collection.
Maamiikwendamaw Nagabow (In Remembrance - Boy in the Woods/Patrick Robert DesJarlait), 18 x 25, Watercolor (Translucent), 2019,
Private Collection.
Private Collection.
Aadizookaan Makizin-Ataagewin (Origin of the Moccasin Game), 15 x 19 1/2, Watercolor (Translucent), 2019, Private Collection.
Giigoonyikekwewag (The Fisherwomen), 18 1/2 x 14 1/2, Watercolor (Translucent), 2019, Private Collection.
Dakobijigan (Tied Rice), 12 x 15, Watercolor (Translucent), 2019, Private Collection.
Zaazegaa-ikwe miinawaa Biibiiyens (Gentlewoman and Baby), 14 1/2 x 15 1/2, Watercolor (Translucent), 2019, Private Collection.
Ababwe'ashk Ikwe (Cattail Woman), 13 x 14 1/4, Watercolor (Translucent), 2019, Private Collection.
Gashkibidaagan Ikwe (Bandolier Bag Woman), 14 x 12, Watercolor (Translucent), 2019, $950
Manidookewin (Ceremony), 16 x 11, Watercolor (Translucent), 2019, Private Collection.
Binawiigo (In The Beginning), 15 x 11, Watercolor (Translucent and Gouache), 2019, $950
Niibinishi Gabeshi (Summer Camp), 21 x 16, Watercolor (Translucent and Gouache), 2019, $1,200
Giiwosewinini (The Hunter), 21 x 15, Watercolor (Translucent and Gouache), 2019, $1,200
Wiizhaandige Gitigan (Unfinished Garden), 16 x 17, Watercolor (Translucent and Gouache), 2019, Private Collection.
Mitigwaakokwi Inoodewiziwin (Woodland Family), 18 x 24. Watercolor (Translucent and Gouache), 2019, Private Collection.
Gidagaabinesh (Spotted Bird), 18 x 24, Watercolor Pencil, 2018, Private Collection.
Aasha miinawaa Manidoo-Giizhikens (Aasha and the Spirit Tree), 18 x 24, Watercolor Pencil, 2018, Private Collection.